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Lawn Care Tips For July

July lawn with pergola and seats

What can you do to keep your lawn beautiful all summer long? Here are Robbie’s lawn care tips for July.

Lawn care jobs for July

Keeping the edges of your lawn neat will make your whole garden look manicured and loved

The principals of summer lawn care

Summer is a time when we all just want to kick back, relax and soak up some sunshine. And that’s all that your lawn wants to do too.

By July, growth on most lawns in the UK will have slowed down. It’s all part of the natural growth cycle of grass.  Take a look at the farmers’ fields.  Wheat and barley (both grasses) are at their maximum height. Their seeds are ripening and the foliage is changing colour. In the meadows, if the hay hasn’t already been cut, it soon will be. Once the seed heads have been whisked away, the grass plants will rest for a while before regenerating themselves.

Your lawn is managed in a very different way to agricultural crops. Nevertheless, the plants are from the same family and have the same physiology and life cycle. It’s just that the very clever plant breeders have used selective breeding to produce grass varieties that are hardwearing and beautiful, rather than super-nutritious. When you understand what the grass plants are trying to achieve, you’ll be more successful at lawn care.

Working with nature for great results

Lawn care is always easier if you choose to work with Nature. With experience, you will learn to “read’ your lawn and know exactly what it needs on a week-to-week basis. I’m in Belfast, you might be in Cornwall or Norfolk – we’re probably not experiencing the same weather patterns. Plus we’ll have different soil types and different lawn grass species too. So whilst I’m happy to tell you what I’m up to today – you need to be able to adapt your lawn care regime to suit the conditions where you are.

In an ideal world, each lawn care task you do will be either reactive – providing the plants with what they need now and getting visibly fast results. Or the task will be proactive…anticipating what your plants will need in the next 3 -6 months and improving the soil to meet their needs.

July is all about keeping your lawn neat, trying not to stress the plants when they want to rest, minimising water loss, optimising sunlight, making sure the right nutrients are available when the plants need them, and encouraging roots to travel deep into the soil. 

Most importantly of all, July and August should be about enjoying your lawn. After all that hard work in spring, you should feel proud of how it looks and you should relish using it as often as you can.

A word about mowing

From the pictures, videos and comments people are sharing on the Premier Lawns Community Facebook Page, I can see that there are some very mowing aficionados out there. Keeping a lawn in perfect condition all summer long is an art form and can be time consuming. Whether you are a lawn stripe aficionado, or you have a more relaxed approach to summer lawn care, here are a few mowing tips for lawn care in July.

Other gardening jobs for July

We all need other plants and garden features to help show lawns off to their best advantage. Here are some “rest of the garden” jobs for July.

You might enjoy some of our other articles on lawn care and gardening in summer….and don’t forget to visit our YouTube Channel for inspirational lawn care tips and advice.

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