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Recommended Lawn Treatments for Belfast Gardens

guy cutting strippy lawn

To keep your garden looking great all year round, lawn care expert Robbie Lynn recommends a carefully timed regime of lawn treatments for Belfast gardens.  

A beautiful lawn can add value to property and it certainly helps a garden to look its very best. Belfast gardens are blessed and challenged at the same time. On the one hand, our clay soil provides a strong base for grass roots. On the other hand, it can become waterlogged in winter and then bake hard in the summer.

Changes in our weather patterns mean that our winters are getting wetter and our summers are getting drier. For us, that means different clothes, but for our lawns and gardens it means that the plants need to work harder to thrive.

To support Belfast’s lawns in any weather conditions, Robbie Lynn of Premier Lawns recommends an annual cycle of five lawn treatments. The treatments are designed to effectively manage soil conditions and to help your natural lawn look fantastic for all four seasons.

What do lawn treatments do?

Premier Lawns always tailors treatments to the individual lawn but as a rough rule of thumb, lawn treatments in Belfast aim to do three things

Your lawn treatment calendar

A rough guide to seasonal lawn treatments


As the ground warms up, the grass growth cycle begins. We begin by assessing the condition of the lawn and the soil beneath it.


The height of the growing season. By now, the grass plants will have used up most of the nutrients in the soil. Mother Nature thinks your lawn should be setting seed now so it’ll want to push up stalks. Time for a treatment that will keep it looking tidy. When plants are stressed they work harder to reproduce themselves. They’re trying to ensure there’s a next generation if they die. No stress = no need to seed.


Ahhhh summer. That time of year when you want to be on the lawn but your grass wants to go brown. Previous lawn treatments will have prepared the soil so that your grass is in the best possible shape for summer. All we need to do is keep up the good work.


Autumn. This is the beginning of the Greenkeeper’s year. It’s when we make repairs and prepare the plants for winter. Believe it or not, grass plants work just as hard in winter as they do in springtime. You may not see as much growth above ground but roots keep on working all year round.

Autumn is the time when fungal lawn diseases traditionally rear their ugly heads. Creating conditions the pathogens don’t like is key to controlling fusarium patch and redthread disease.

Hollow tine aeration creates small holes to open up the soil structure -it’s a crucial part of lawn care on Belfast’s clay based soils.

Autumn Lawn Care Jobs


Climate change means that our seasons are changing, for the last few years I’ve noticed that Belfast gardens are subjected to less frost and snow in the winter months. We’re also getting more rain. Rain tends to flush some of the nutrients out of the soil and in a winter when plants are still actively growing, it makes sense to top up the nutrient levels.

Arranging Lawn Treatments in Belfast

Premier Lawns is a Belfast based lawn care company run by a trained greenkeeper with experience working on some of Northern Ireland’s top golf clubs. Robbie Lynn offers a bespoke lawn care service to bring your lawn up to tip top condition and then keep it looking as good as possible all year round.

Robbie’s lawn care package consists of five treatments a year and offers exceptional value for money. Call or email today for more information and to arrange a lawn assessment.

Contact Robbie Lynn at Premier Lawns

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