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We live in north Belfast in an area where the prevalence of hard clay makes for a wet and moss-prone lawn. In recent years, the amount of moss in our front and rear gardens had increased to the point where there was scarcely an area clear of moss. Walking across the lawn after heavy rain meant squelching across a carpet of sponge-like moss that oozed water and rarely dried out unless there was a prolonged spell of good weather.


We contacted Robbie in April 2015 having seen one of his promotional leaflets and having had no follow-up response from a well-known garden maintenance firm that we had contacted previously. In contrast, Robbie’s follow-up was immediate, helpful and professional. We were more than surprised when he told us that he could remedy our moss problem without too much difficulty. We had imagined a major job was required, perhaps even re-turfing. Instead, Robbie thought that a season’s treatment would bring about a considerable improvement with, if we wished it, further follow-up in 2016.


Robbie’s first treatment was in early May and by mid-summer the beneficial effect of his work was there for all to see. Fourmore treatments followed and, as a result, our front and rear lawns are substantially improved with a significant reduction in moss and weed cover and a much enhanced grass colour. Our winter lawn in late 2015 is unrecognisable from the vivid green moss-infested lawn of winter 2014 and we look forward very much to retaining Robbie to continue his work in improving our garden in 2016 and beyond.



DM Belfast

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