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Your Complete Lawn Care Calendar For 2022

lawn care calendar 2022 dark green image with calendar icon and premier lawns branding

Our complete lawn care calendar is stuffed with monthly lawn care tips outlining everything you need to achieve and maintain your perfect lawn in 2022 and beyond.

I’ve been creating and maintaining beautiful lawns for over 20 years now and I like to think that I’m pretty good at it.  Cultivating the perfect lawn is all about understanding plants and the soil and how their needs change from season to season.

In this complete lawn care calendar, I’ll be giving you a month by month guide to what your grass needs and which jobs you need to do to encourage healthy growth.  This calendar is aimed at gardeners in the UK.  If you are one of the many readers who visit my site from elsewhere in the world, you may need to adapt some of the timings to suit your own climate.

From time to time in the article, I’ll also include links to products that you might find helpful.  If you do decide to buy these products, it won’t cost you any extra, but I will recieve a small commission from the suppliers. This income all helps me to keep creating videos and blogs.

Please feel free to bookmark this article and return to it as and when you need to.   Or, If you’d like to sign up to my monthly newsletter, I’ll also send you timely reminders for jobs to do.

Scroll down to fast-track yourself to the right month. Or, even better, make yourself a brew, grab a biscuit or two and settle down to read the whole article.

Aiming for a lawn that looks good all year round? Following the tips in our lawn care calendar will help you to grow your perfect lawn.

January Lawn Care

It’s very unusual for grass to be growing strongly in the UK at this time of the year.  However, during a mild winter, you may find you need to mow at least once.  Be mindful of the conditions, don’t even try to walk on your lawn if it’s frosty or if the soil is very wet.  If you do nothing, you can do no harm.

Jobs to do in January

February Lawn Care

As for January, you may or may not find that your lawn needs gentle mowing.  My advice would be to keep the grass as long as you can tolerate it at this time of year, and certainly never scalp the lawn. The plants need every possible square millimetre of surface area to harvest sunshine to make the energy they need to thrive in cold conditions. For a family lawn, aim for at least 7-8cm between the ground and the tips of the grass blades.

The one thing to remember about any lawn care or gardening calendar is to use it as a guide but base your decisions on the weather outside. If we’re lucky with the weather in February, the soil may begin warming up towards the end of the month. Be wary of carrying out any renovations this early though – the weather can change in an instant!

Jobs to do in February

carrying out lawn feed treatment

March Lawn Care

My favourite month in the lawn care calendar. The soil will be warming up now and you’ll start to see signs of spring wherever you go. Buds will appear on the trees, the birds will be flirting outrageously and lawn growth will start to speed up. It’s essential to start thinking about lawn nutrition and creating the ideal soil conditions for your lawn to thrive.

Jobs to do in March

April Lawn Care

Ahhhh April, possible one of the busiest months in the lawn care calendar.  The garden is really springing to life and even if we get April showers, it feels good to be outside.  Your lawn is going to be using lots of nutrients right now as the grass plants are wanting to start their reproductive cycle.  Left to their own devices, every plant with start to grow as tall as possible with a view to producing seeds towards the beginning of summer.  Your job is to thwart their efforts – unless of course you are planning to let part of your lawn grow a little longer to help support wildlife.

Jobs to do in April

May Lawn Care

The UK in May will be when you start to see all of your hard work pay off.  Well fed lawns are looking resplendent, the weather is warm enough for you to be using your garden on a regular basis and summer plantings look their best. Especially if they are framed by a deep green, even coloured carpet of lawn.  This is a fast period of growth for your lawn.  Make sure that the plants are well nourished and aim to mow little and often. Possibly as much as 2-3 times a week.

Jobs to do in May

June Lawn Care

Ahhhh, flaming June.  Keep an eye on the weather forecast this month.  If there is any talk of drought on the horizon, you’ll need to prepare your lawn by raising the height of cut. 

Mostly though, June should be about enjoying your lawn.  Remember to pick up any toys, blankets, furniture etc at the end of the day – or at least move them around so that you don’t scar the bits of lawn that have been deprived of light. 

Jobs to do in June

July Lawn Care

July in the UK can be scorching hot and left to their own devices, lawns tend to lose their green colour and become straw coloured.  If you are lucky enough to live in the countryside, take a peek over the hedge into farmers’ fields. Wheat and Barley (both types of grass) will be changing colour too.  It’s natural for grasses to turn brown in summer and it’s perfectly OK for your lawn to do so too. If you want your lawn to stay green, you will need to water it. But please pay strict attention to local guidelines and don’t go breaking any hosepipe regulations.

Jobs to do in July

August Lawn Care

In some ways this is one of the best months of the lawn care calendar.  The grass grows slower and I get to relax a bit more often.  In my mind, there will never be anything better than sitting outside on a balmy summer’s evening sipping a long cool drink as the sun goes down.  I love to barbecue outdoors, and, if COVID restrictions allow, would like to reinstate the Lynn family’s traditional Shoe Tree Festival.  Great food, great music, great company. All of it outdoors on the lawn an all in aid of charity.  It’s tough on the lawn though!

Jobs to do in August

September Lawn Care

Autumn is approaching and with it will come a change in lawn care regime.  Moist, mild weather brings a surge in grass growth as the plants come out of their summer dormancy period.  Unfortunately, grass is not the only organism to enjoy these weather conditions.  Fungal diseases thrive in them too, as do toadstools.  Be vigilant.  Toadstools won’t normally damage your lawn, but fusarium patch will.

Jobs to do in September

October Lawn Care

I hate to say it, but it’s time to think about helping your grass plants prepare for winter. Good nutrition, disease control and some autumn renovations (if you didn’t do them last month) are in order for October.

Jobs for October

Don’t waste all of those fallen leaves. Compost them to create a rich, nutritious mulch to use around your garden.

November Lawn Care

Winter is just around the corner and the evenings are getting darker. Which means less time for mowing! Just as well that grass growth is starting to slow down. You may still find that your lawn needs a weekly or fortnightly trim. Just be sure to choose your moment – avoid walking on a sodden lawn and don’t even think about stepping on the grass if it’s frozen.

Jobs to do in November

December Lawn Care

Time for your big review of the lawn care year.  How did it go? Can you see improvements from this time last year to today? What did you struggle with? How could you overcome those problems next year?  Share your progress with the Premier Lawns Community on Facebook – we’ll help you to celebrate your successes and suggest ways to improve the things you weren’t happy with.

Jobs to do in December

Robbie Lynn, founder and owner of Premier Lawns.

So there we are, your complete lawn care calendar for 2022 with a long list of jobs to do each month.  If you ever get stuck and need lawn care advice, head over to my You Tube channel where you’ll find loads of informational videos. And don’t be afraid to ask questions.  It’s your interactions that help me to decide what to video and blog about next.

If you are thinking of buying lawn care products online, please think about using the Amazon links embedded within this article. It won’t cost you any extra money but the suppliers will give me a small commission which helps to pay for the cost of creating my videos and blogs.

Have a great year everyone and don’t forget to share your pictures on the Premier Lawns Community Facebook page.

Sign up for my monthly newsletter to discover what’s new on my YouTube channel and which lawn care jobs you should be doing.

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