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Watering your lawn – How to and when

Watering your lawn – How to and when


The best and most convenient times to water are either early in the morning or later in the evening. This reduces water lost through evaporation and aim for periods when the heat of the day is absent.

Infrequent heavy watering is better than daily splashes.

The simplest method to water your lawn is to use a lawn sprinkler – the oscillating type is best as there is little overlap between adjacent areas.


How to determine if under your lawn is wet enough – The best way to determine if the soil is wet enough is to dig or cut a small hole and examine the soil. Properly watered soil will not be soaking wet, but moist, dark and cool. Another way of determining if there is sufficient moisture in the soil is to stick a pointed knife into the soil. If the knife can be easily pushed into the soil and upon removal is cool and clean, your soil is moist.

Is the morning dew enough to water the grass?  Wet leaves and heavy dew makes the lawn look wet, but your turf roots may be dry so the sprinkler may still be required! 

Other ways to tell it needs watered?

New turf and seed is especially vulnerable to drought or insufficient water.

What are the downsides to not watering?

Other preventive measures?

While you can’t prevent drought, you can take measures to prevent the damage drought causes your lawn.

If you have any more questions, please get in touch. 

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