Grass, it’s good for you!


 It’s true, grass really is good for you

Millions of Britain’s spend countless hours enjoying their lawn and tending to their flowers and gardens.

Yearly cycles of nature produce changes in the colour of lawns, which are among the first areas to green up in the spring. This brings a lift to human spirits and links urban inhabitants with a symbol of the countryside and its heritage.

Studies illustrate that hospital patients whose rooms overlook landscapes recover faster and require less pain medication than those lying in a sterile urban environment.

Increasing Home Value: a well maintained garden with a well presented lawn can add significantly to the value of your property and will make it more saleable, perhaps accelerating a sale by several weeks.  The presentation of the lawn can “lift” the appearance of the whole garden and so improve a potential purchaser’s impression of your house’s “outside space”.  In a difficult housing market homeowners who wish to move cannot afford to miss any opportunity to “dress” their home for sale

Turf grasses absorb carbon dioxide, ozone, hydrogen fluoride and perosyacetyle nitrate. For more lawn science see here