Early summer lawn treatments help prepare your lawn for the busy season ahead and enable the grass plant to recover faster from wear and tear of summer. 

Early Summer Lawn Treatments

Summer is all about making the most of time in the garden and enjoying your beautiful lawn.  But warmer weather, family gatherings, picnics on the lawn and children playing can all be tough on grass plants. 

The Premier Lawns Early Summer Treatment is a slow-release feed that promotes a healthy and balanced lawn that will stand up to excess wear and tear over the these months.  This professional grade feed contains; Phosphorus for strong root growth; Potassium for disease and drought resistance; and Micronutrients for general health.

Add to this a good boost of Nitrogen in the feed to boost colour giving you a dark, green and strong lawn all summer long. 

At this time, we will also spot-treat any weeds growing in your lawn. 
Spot-treating means that we use the minimum amount of chemical herbicide which is much kinder to the environment than commercial weed and feed treatments and more cost-effective too.

Our Early Summer Lawn Treatment is included across all our Lawn Care Programmes.

When you subscribe to our Premier Programme you will also receive additional organic lawn treatments to help your lawn prepare for the stresses of summer.  These include:

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