How to level a lumpy lawn

Over time, the soil beneath your lawn will move and settle, leaving you with hills,[...]

Hot weather lawn care tips

As UK temperatures soar, Robbie from Premier Lawns shares his top lawn care tips for[...]

Your garden and lawn care calendar

Several of my YouTube channel subscribers have been in touch asking for a garden and[...]

7 of the best garden activities for kids

If you are running out of ideas to keep the tots entertained during lockdown don’t[...]

Lawn weeds tell me what your grass needs

Is your lawn looking sorry for itself? Identifying the weeds could be a clue as[...]

Recommended Lawn Treatments for Belfast Gardens

To keep your garden looking great all year round, lawn care expert Robbie Lynn recommends[...]

Winter Gardening Essentials: Mulching

Mulching is one of those jobs that can be done at almost any time of[...]

Autumn Lawn Care Tips

Autumn is the busiest and most important season for lawn care. Lawn treatments carried out[...]

Fun ideas for making the most of your lawn this autumn

In this blog, we’re looking at ways of making the most of your lawn this[...]