Category Archives: Lawn Repairs and Renovations

A selection of articles and blogs on reviving, renovating and repairing worn out and mossy lawns. Lawn repairs and renovations are all part of creating and maintaining a beautiful and healthy lawn. They include aeration, scarification, overseeding and of course, moss control.

glengormley shaded lawn with moss

Glengormley shaded lawn with moss

Dog lichen on lawns

Peltigera spp. – Dog lichen

Lawn renovation cliftonville

 Lawn renovation cliftonville This is a lawn we were asked to do some work on,[...]

Lawn renovation Jordanstown Newtownabbey

A lawn renovation project – Scarification, aeration, fertilising and over seeding on a moss covered[...]

Lawn renovation Cultra Holywood – year two

 Lawn renovation Cultra Holywoodyear two

How to over seed your lawn

Why do it? Overseeding will thicken up a lawn and help stop an evasion of[...]

Leatherjackets in a lawn

 Tipula spp. – Leatherjackets Common name – Leatherjackets, daddy-longlegs, crane flies  

Treat you lawn with our lawn weed and feed treatments

Treat you lawn with our lawn weed and feed treatments. Starting at £15 per treatment.[...]

Lawn Aeration

Aeration – Why do it?